
Altatec’s “Extras” include all the products and services that we offer in addition to our main engineering and production activities.

Products don’t get better or smaller just because they are new, but instead because our experience flows into the application, the process flow or the production technology. Product quality can only be improved if their function is robust and the manufacturing technologies are masteres.

Only when you as the customer and we are clear where the inadmissibilities lie with the current product, we can jointly develop new, improved products.

Additional services that we are happy to offer

  • A non-binding initial discussion
  • Identification of various technical solutions
  • Expert opinions, error and malfunction analyses for existing circuits or systems
  • Identification of potential for improvement
  • System optimisation
  • Training of your employees in assembly methods
  • Recommendations for a possible product redesign
  • Bondability tests
  • Consulting (from the procurement to the storage)